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For our children’s sake
Stop selling guns

A few of us braved the rain and cold to witness outside the major gun show at Waukesha Expo center. Hundreds of persons poured in and out of the gun show, young, old and children with parents. Many people when they saw our signs just scoffed at us or made standard responses, guns do not kill people, crazy persons only do these crimes, we are advocating taking away the constitution rights, cars kill more people each year and on and one.

One person had an interesting argument pointing out that there had been a similar incident in China the same day as in Connecticut involving 23 children with the person using a knife. He implied that with gun control that people will just use knives to kill. When I got home I read an article about this attack in China: ‘None Dead’ in China: Sensible Laws vs. Maniacal Attacks. “On the other side of the world and just hours before 20 children were gunned down in a massacre in Connecticut on Friday, 22 children were the victims of a vicious, similar-minded attack at a Chinese elementary school by a man wielding an 8-inch knife.” The man was right but what he failed to say that in China as of this morning none of the 22 children had died. China has strict guns laws making an incident like in Connecticut impossible. The tragedy in China “had an outcome that victim’s families now mourning in Connecticut are only wishing they could share.”

No hunting guns, like assault weapons and most handguns are made for one purpose and one purpose only – to kill people. Yes persons driving cars kill people but transportation not killing is the purpose of a car. Guns with people kill people.



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