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For our faith sharing group the leader for tomorrow asked us to write down one page of “What We Believe.” Lightly searching my soul here is what I wrote.
What I believe.
I believe in God
I believe that all human beings are created equal and should be treated as brother and sisters.
I believe that all human beings have right to food, shelter, health care and other basic rights to life.
I believe in the power of nonviolence and truth over violence and non-truth.
I believe in creative nonviolent conflict with dignity and respect to all.
I believe that God loves each person unconditionally and the same.
I believe that relationship of love and respect between persons gives a glimpse of God’s love.
I believe in the Way of Jesus, who is fully God and fully human.
I believe the spirit of God dwells in all of us.
I believe in the “preferential option for the poor, sick, outcast and rejected.
I believe that the ultimate authority is our conscience and we must seek to follow our conscience even if it is mistaken.
I believe the “end does not justify the means.”
I believe that Jesus meant what he taught us in the Gospels and we should try our best to follow this Way.
I believe in honest, practicing what we say, silence and deeds over words.
I believe we should not judge others yet be persistent in following our “opinion of truth.”
I believe in “Swadeshi or the use and service of our immediate surroundings over those more remote or foreign. In economic terms it is the insistence on the use of local goods made by local communities and in one’s own country, and preferably hand-made or home grown.” (Gandhi)
There is more I believe but this is enough. If I could only practice in action these beliefs I would be a better person.