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Continuing with the theme of What to Give Jesus for Christmas and the Cry of the Poor Petition for North Central Milwaukee I offer this tale if Mary and Joseph were to come to Milwaukee today?

If Mary, the pregnant unwed young mother, and Joseph, the unemployed carpenter, would have traveled to North Central Milwaukee today, they would find little opportunity for shelter and food. If they could find shelter, it would be some dimly lit empty rental unit or some empty spot in someone’s basement.

The Houses of Worship of their ancestors most likely would have moved out of these neighborhoods; without insurance, health care for mother Mary would be limited. Joseph might find food from the food pantries and a few nearby churches of various faiths might supply some clothing.

After Jesus was born, they would return to an empty house. If they were connected to a social service agency, they may have gotten a Pack ‘N Play to use as a crib for Jesus, while they slept on the floor. If Joseph contacted neighbors and phoned 211 for assistance, to secure a stove, refrigerator and beds, the operator would tell them to call the St. Vincent De Paul central office, at 414 000 000. If he got through to a human person at the central office, he might have heard the message: “We do not serve your area at this time.” If he was blessed to get through and be in the right neighborhood on the North side, he would have gotten the message that someone would visit him in six to eight weeks!

If Joseph traveled the streets looking for a job, he would find few available jobs in an area where there was over fifty percent (50%) unemployment. With no stove or refrigerator, Mary would have to take the new born baby out each day with her in the winter cold to find some food so they could eat that day.
Soon, the children in the neighborhood would discover a new baby on the block and come around, welcomed by Mary and Joseph, to see the newborn child. The joy on the children’s faces, seeing the infant, would be matched by the smiles of Joseph and Mary, and all would light up the dimly lit room.

After some weeks, if they were fortunate, two visitors from a St. Vincent De Paul conference would pay them a home visit. They would welcome them into the empty house and the visitors would ask them what they needed. They would probably need everything but would simply say they needed a bed for themselves, a stove and refrigerator so they could preserve food and drink, prepare it and cook it. The visitors might say, “We are sorry but we are limited in funds for vouchers and can give you vouchers for only two of the three major items you need.” Mary and Joseph would look at each other, then both look at Jesus and say: “we will take a stove and refrigerator,” knowing that sleeping on the floor was not as important as having a stove and refrigerator to preserve and cook food for the three of them.

The visitors would then give two vouchers, of $125 each, to be used for a stove and refrigerator at a particular used appliance store, explaining that the store would probably charge more for the appliances and they would need to pay the remaining balance. Mary and Joseph would graciously thank the visitors for the vouchers and show them the baby Jesus sleeping in his Pack ‘N Play.

The visitors would leave and Mary and Joseph would then pray in thanksgiving to God for these two gifts. However, they would probably ponder how they could possibly get the rest of the money to purchase the stove and refrigerator, let alone a bed and other necessities. Feeling down they, nevertheless, would look over at the sleeping baby Jesus and smile, during His first Christmas, knowing in their hearts that God would take care of them.



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