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Today was one of those days. When I woke up I looked at my calendar on my phone and saw that I had nothing scheduled. Alleluia I thought. This was not to last for long. By phone and email I found out that misleading information and rumors were rampart about an elderly friend. I tried not to react but to calmly quiet things down and get the truth as I know it out. It took a lot of time but it finally took hold, I think. Rumors are hard to contain but with proper use of smart phone, email and computer they are as easy to resist as to spread. With the rest of the day I got a few things done but not all I thought I could do with an open day.

Technology, TV, smart phones, email, computers can either was lots of time or be useful in saving time. Today I thought I used these technologies more effectively the for most part. Technology can make “one of those days” more difficult or easier.

The key to using technology effectively not wastefully I think it to use it nonviolently in words and images, be ready to speak the truth, listen, follow conscience, not react and be willing to suffer.

The way to focus using technology as with all of life is to remember the Gandhi mantra “Do or Die.” In the book “Gandhi and the Unspeakable” by Jim Douglas the mantra means: “Resist injustice with one’s whole life. Do it lovingly. Resist nonviolent, openly, fearlessly. Suffer the consequences with joy to the point, to the point of death: “Do or die.” (p. 37)

The lesson here is that a “free day” can become busy fast and if it is “one of those days” careful use of technology can help stop rumors and get back on track.



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