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At Church this morning our pastor gave a talk about living in the present moment. I think we all strive to live in the present moment but I t is hard to do and takes a lot of discipline. Living in the present moment means dying to the past and forgetting about the future. It is especially difficult these days when there is so many stimuli coming at us all the time. To live in the present takes a certain amount of quiet and silence. Noise in our lives distracts us from the present moment.
Gardening is a good exercise to live in the present for spring through fall but in the winter there is nothing to do except maybe some shoveling. What would be a good physical exercise for living in the present for the winter?
There is suffering living in the moment since facing death and pain is all around us. The flip side of this suffering is how more exciting life becomes when one lives in the present moment. Each moment is a new adventure and without expectations the future is a mystery.
Be Bold Live in the Present