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My conversation with my therapist today ended with him telling me to “just keep on going on”. Some days when you are tired, working hard but not getting anyway all you can do is to live in the present and keep on going.
Last night on the Charlie Rose talk show I heard someone one talk about creativity. He said that at times when you feel up against the wall and going nowhere it is good to stop and just let go.
Often, when we stop, give up trying, he says, a creative moment occurs. We are able to put together and connect some thoughts, ideals, words or pictures and create something new.
I have not be a ‘creative’ person in the art sense but in putting together things, more like a producer or organizer, I have had success. Parts of that success have been being very persistence, learning from mistakes and keep on going on.
Some plants and weeds in the garden, like Wisconsin wild sunflowers, mint or creepy Charlie just keep on going, growing and spreading. Sometimes when tired and discouraged all we can do is “just keep on going on.”