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Emmanual receives his First
Holy Communion

This morning my friend Emmanuel Komba, 8 years old, made what is called in the Catholic Church, his First Holy Communion. He received what looked like a thin wafer more than the bread it was and drank from a cup of wine. We believe the bread and wine are the body and blood of Jesus Christ. How this could be is a mystery and matter of faith but is that not like our scientific belief that in every breathe we take it we are taking in a bit of the whole cosmos.

Science is racing to find the beginning of the universe and where the universe is going. Is this not like faith that dwells within us and is always searching for more? St. Augustine said about God: “Our hearts are restless until they rest in You.”

Faith and science are not found for us in the past or future but in the present moment. The deeper we go in the present moment the more we find that place where science and faith are one.

I forgot my camera this morning but with my phone camera tried to capture the present moment, however unclear, when Emmanuel received the Bread and Wine of Life. Someday we will understand this mystery. The beginning, end and present will be one, when science and faith become one,



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