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It was recently announced that SHARE, a not-for-profit food club will close the Wisconsin Branch next month. This will mean not only a lost of low cost healthy food for person in need but also for some of us middle class persons to get healthy and organic foods at a reasonable price. For us it means no more boxes of organic fruits and vegetables for only 15% and no more natural meat from Black Earth Wisconsin. The reason given for the end of SHARE was that discount grocery food stores, like Wal-Mart and Aldi have gone into the central cities offering discounted food.

Aldi, an international German based grocer that also runs Trade Joe’s I am okay with and often shop there. But Wal-Mart the biggest retail chain stores in the world with the poor treatment of workers, the cheapness of products and the greedy way they acquire products, I believe cost all Americans a high price. A film about Wal-Mart’s impact on our society, rightly named The High Price of Low Cost clearly makes this point.

So Share, a national non-profit organization to provide discounted foods fall to an international for profit organization that make is main goal, making profit off the Americans need to eat food.

Like medicine, health care, shelter the right to decent food is now driven by profit. Food for the health of SHARE is lost snf Food for Profit of Wal-Mart reigns.



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