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At our last Church, the last one of nearly 14 of 17 Catholic Churches on this north side neighborhood of Milwaukee that has been closed since the 1960’s, we became friends with a couple. The man had grown up in the area around the Church and had attended the grade school in the parish. Both had come to live with his mother who when she passed away left a house with a big mortgage.

They had their own business as landscapers and did well but not enough to pay off the debt of the house. So as the house was falling into foreclosure, the church was closing they decided to move to Florida where she had family and were their landscape business could be year around.

Before they moved they gave away a number of plants around their house. We were the recipient of a number of them. One yellow bush they gave us did not do much last year in the rain garden but this year is blooming and beautiful.

On a visit to Pat’s brother we spent a day with them. They seem to be doing well where the weather was right for their outside work all year around. We have had not much contact since.

Looking at the bush of beauty Pat said we should said them a picture of it. So tonight we did. I forgot the name of the bush but it does not matter. It is in early spring beauty that I think will last throughout the summer and into the fall.

Our friends are gone south but a yellow bush they gave us lives on in our lives. Friendship is like this yellow bush, slow to bloom, but once it does, it lasts forever.



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