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“When I slow my walk, open my eyes
and listen,nature reveals her hidden
beauty to me.” Dwayne Oakes
Preparing the gardens and doing a little planting today seems to be an endless task. But I know that if I consistently work each day and persist that the gardens will grow, flower and bring forth produce. I know this to be true from past experiences, successes and mistakes, and from observation of nature.
Nature let along or enhanced by humans is always successful. However, nature, interfered with and defiled by humans leads to disasters.
The tragedy of New Orleans during the hurricane Katrina is a good example of human interference and defilement. The destruction of the hurricane was intensified by the trenching of the Mississippi river for commerce, the warmer waters of the Caribbean, the underfunded and insufficient dam network built around the city and so forth. The flooding of the city after the hurricane where most of the destruction and lost of human life occurred was not that of nature’s doing by of humans.
The way war is taught in our military is against nature and leads to intense repercussions for our soldiers and the civilians in the countries we fight. It is not ‘natural’ for a human to kill another human without thought and conscience but this type of killing without conscience is what is taught in our military training centers and is at the heart of the tragedy of innocent civilians and dying and the mind and lives of our soldiers being ruin.
When I work in the garden I enhance the soil with compost and castings; I enhanced the water supply with rain barrels and irrigation for times when garden is dry; I use wood chips as mulch to keep the soil moist and the weeds at bay.
Our own beings as human beings and part of nature need to be enhanced not defiled. When driving along a new freeway being built today I noticed the large walls being built along the side of the road to keep the noise away from the housing on the other side of the barrier. In this part of the highway we are losing our view of nature as we drive to keep out noise for housing constructed nearby. It is my guess if we listened to nature it would tell us to stop building more and bigger highways and construct high speed railways to transport more people more efficiently without as much energy or noise.
Working in the garden we need to listen to nature. But in other parts of our life do we listen to nature?