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Praying or Criminal Trespass?

Usually when we demonstrate at Marquette University for Marquette to Be Faithful to the Gospel and Stop Hosting Military Training on Campus we are ignored by students. Today when a large group of City of Milwaukee Police gathered to handcuff and arrest us for trespassing students started to gather around and watch. After those who did not want to be arrested left and the rest of us stayed for our hour of prayer the students were really watching to see if we would be arrested for praying at Marquette. The lead security person checked with the ‘bosses or ‘powers that be’ and it was decided to call off the police and just let us finish our hour of prayer. As the police slowly left the scene so did the students. Watching us Pray the Stations of the Cross and asking Marquette to Stop Teaching Killing was not as interesting as our potential arrest.

Over the years we have tried many things to get the attention of students, carrying a cross through campus, we did street theater on the campus and many held many protest. In fact, over the years, since the creation of the Marquette University Center for Peacemaking our student participation has gone down until now when we have no active students involved in our movement.

Maybe we need to push the envelope with Marquette where they cannot ignore the message and need to arrest us or end the military schools teaching killing on campus? Threats of police arrest draws Students.



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