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Below is an ‘easy essay’ which I felt compelled to write today. You probably could add to this list. If you want to just write me at . In this upside down world I had to discontinue the comment box due to continual attacks by a Spam Robot.

The World is Upside Down

A Catholic Jesuit University in the city teaches war and killing,
While a pubic State University in the same city does not, and sends its students to the Catholic Jesuit University for military training.

A young man shoplifts and goes to jail
A banker steals millions and does not go to jail.

The Governor of Wisconsin raises taxes on the poor
And cut taxes on the wealthy.

The USA has sanctions on a Middle East Country that has the potential for building a nuclear weapon,
And the USA gives over 3 billion dollars a year of military aide to another Middle East country with a nuclear weapon.

The USA has the most expensive health care system in the world,
And one of the least effective.

Old and young, man and woman, black and white can play golf at the park across the street.
Young male adults cannot play basketball on the full court at the park.

Liberals claim we have a bottom up society yet they try to affect the top leaders.
Conservatives claim we have a bottom up society yet they try to affect the top leaders.

We are made to believe that our vote counts
While in elections the person with the most money wins 95% of the time.

A soldier is trained to kill on instinct which violates nature and conscience,
And we wonder why so many come back from war with serious mental illnesses.

Members of the Catholic Church call themselves people of God
Yet the hierarchy decides what we should do and not do.

The hierarchical Catholic Church and the military have two things in common
They are both top down organizations and both have major sex scandals.

Insurance, Drug and Health companies make major profit on illnesses,
While the cost of health care spirals up and more and more persons go without health care.



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