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Marquette ROTC Student
Tonight some of us of Breaking the Silence had a nice dinner and then gathered to discuss our upcoming event at Marquette University on Ash Wednesday. For six years we have been activity trying to get Marquette to Be Faithful to the Gospel and No Longer Host Departments of Military Sciences to no noticeable effect.
We had a new member tonight and were going around and around brainstorming on a simple sentence to describe our message which is for Marquette to stop teaching killing in what is popularly called ROTC or officially the Department of Military Sciences. Should we call it ROTC, School of Army, Department of Military Science, this teaching of war and how to kill persons? Suddenly someone said we should just say MARQUETTE TEACHES KILLING*. The asterisk would refer to, in small print, a page number in the course catalog that list classes for the courses in Military Science and Leadership, (MILS).
If someone challenges us to the fact that Marquette Teaches Killing we can point to the military’s own documents that clearly state it teaches ‘reflexive killing’, killing without conscience. The ashes of Ash Wednesday represent the ashes of all the American, Iraqi, Afghans, Pakistanis that have died as result of teaching killing at Marquette, a Catholic Jesuit University, and other colleges and universities that host departments of military sciences. As a friend, a graduate of West Point, with a son in the Army now, told us the whole point of military training is to teach how to kill more effectively. In wars today the Army has found it can be more effective in killing by training soldiers how to kill without thinking: the percent of soldiers firing weapons to kill the ‘enemy’ as gone up from 25% in World War II to 95% in the present wars by training how to kill reflexively.
So yes, Marquette Teaches Killing is the simple and honest way to say our message. With ashes, pictures of children killed in present wars and other signs hopefully we can communicate our message: Marquette Teaches Killing.