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Cows of Peace
Pat and I went up north to our son’s family home last night to find our three grandchildren, Graf Kids watching a reality TV show called “Storage Wars.” A group of characters bid on locked abandoned storage lockers and compete to make money on the contents they bid on. I was not too interested so went into another room to write my Diary of Worm posting last night. My wife stayed with the grandchildren and the next show on was called “Shipping Wars” where various people bid on trucking jobs and compete to see who can make the most money on the jobs. The use of the word ‘War’ on reality TV shows was, however, of interest to me so I decided to do a quick search for TV reality shows with the word ‘war’ or ‘wars’ in the title. With just a simple search I found other TV reality shows called ‘Weed Wars’, ‘Dance War’, ‘Parking Wars’, ‘Drug War’, ‘Scrap Wars’. I am sure there are more. I guess the country ‘endless wars’ stretches out beyond the battlefields into Reality TV.
This morning before going to church I went outside to find the young cows in the heifer barn across the street strolling in the field in front of their barn. It was a peaceful sight.
We went up to my son’s house to celebrate with him after Church his birthday which is tomorrow. Realizing he will be forty two tomorrow I thought back to where I was forty two years ago. I was in the State’s maximum security prison in Waupun for the Milwaukee 14 resistance to the war in Vietnam.
After Church we went out to a brunch to celebrate my son’s birthday and then came back to their house for some delicious birthday cake my daughter-in-law had made. After cake my grandchildren went back to the TV but this time to play a WII electronic game were they get to play members of the band. One grandson played the electric guitar, the other drums and my young granddaughter was the singer for the band. I admit this was a step up from the reality ‘war’ TV shows but it was noisy. When my son had to go to work I decided to take a walk outside to check out the gardens and the dairy farm across the street. So while my grandchildren were playing loud rock music on TV I was talking with the dairy farmer across the street about his new system of using cow manure for fertilizer, about heifers, making compost and such.
When I got to the house the grandchildren were still singing and playing loud music on the WII game. That was okay since my wife and I had decided to leave around three so we could get home in time for the kickoff of the Super Bowl. The game was a battle but there was no mention of war at all, Thank God.
Thinking back on today I guess my heart was with the peaceful young cows and not with the reality ‘war’ game shows on TV.