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Blowin in the Wind by Gretchen Kelly
While yesterday the most famous of groundhogs, Punxsutawney Phil, saw his shadow, meaning 6 more weeks of winter, the many other Groundhog weather prognosticators, Jimmy the Groundhog from Sun Prairie, WI, Pierre C Shaddeauz from New Iberia, La, Buckeye Church from Marion Ohio, Woodstock Wille from Woodstock, Ill and a host of others did not see their shadow and thus it means we will have an early spring. This is the time it is easy and fun to go with the overwhelming majority. Also the proof is in the pudding; warm spring weather continues and predicated to stay till spring. Phil, being famous does not mean he is right.
With spring on its way it is time to start getting ready, inside and outside, to plant; time to clean and to prepare the soil. For farmers and people who grow there is no need for groundhogs to tell them the weather. They can read the weather by themselves, although they cannot control it.
As Bob Dylan sings, “You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.” In all of life we need to read the times to know where we are going. To borrow another Bob Dylan song lyrics, The answer my friend is “The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind, The answer is blowin’ in the wind”.