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You’ve got to know
When to hold ‘em
Know when to fold ‘em
Know when to walk away
Know when to run
(chorus from the Gambler by Kenny Rodgers)

This chorus came to mind today as I have been working hard on a project for our St. Vincent De Paul conference resource sheet as requested at our last meeting only to find there was no room for discussion of this work on the agenda for the next meeting. This happened to me once before when I was asked by the priest in our conference to put something together for the next meeting only to find out the subject was not even on the agenda at the next meeting. You need to know when to fold ‘em.

Since 1995 after moving to Milwaukee I have been trying to restructure how St. Vincent De Paul’s conferences made home visits without much success. This morning I had a chance to make my latest proposal for changing the home visit system to staff members of St. Vincent De Paul at the central office and two persons representing leaders in the organization. You got to know when to hold ’em.

Living life is like being the gambler and knowing when to hold ‘em and knowing when to fold ‘em.

Sometimes in life we also need to walk away like when we are reacting to something and sometimes we need to know when to run, like when we are tempted to be defensive or be distracted from what we need to do.

When to fold ‘em or hold ‘em, when to walk away or to run is what we call wisdom.



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