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Driving my friend Tom today to visit his mother in an assisted living home, I found myself preaching to him to “live one day at a time” or one “moment at a time”. A lot can happen in a moment as evidenced is this military video of a compilation of Apache Gunship Combat Footage. As in a Killer Drone attack people can be walking around, driving or at home one moment and then dead the next moment by an assailant in the sky.
Today Israeli traded with the Palestinian party of Hamas over a 1000 Palestine prisoners for one Israeli soldier. People say how they can do that. The reality is that, just like in Iraq and Afghanistan, one Israeli or American life, is worth 1000 lives of the enemy.
Although we gave much money to Haiti after the earthquake the reality is that people are still dependent on aide and still being neglected and dying. Few fund raisers and foundations in the USA are doing what the What If Foundation is doing, providing funds for partnering Haitian organization to rebuild their society, for Haitians to provide food and education for themselves.
What if everyone thought of the people of Haiti as their brother and sister like my friend Lisa did in her Reflections on the Haiti journey we just made. What if soldiers realized what they were doing before pushing the trigger on an Apache helicopter? What if we consider all life to be valuable and sacred, be it Palestinian or Jewish.
Living deep in the moment helps us realize that what if is now.