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Fruit of the Garden Today
In 1968 my last year as a Jesuit seminarian I was finishing my graduate work for a Masters in Sociology at Marquette University. My last course was one in Research methodology taught by a Jesuit priest who was known for giving young Jesuit students who were active in peace and justice issues, like me, a hard time. He was not a very good teacher and placed the whole of the course on a research paper due at the end of the semester. I did my paper on the Sociology of Revolution and thought I had done a good job. However, at the end of the semester there was a civil rights outburst by students and the professor used a technicality not to even read my paper and gave me a F.
I remember that one of my findings at the time was that revolution did not happen were people were very poor or very well off. It happen when they were on the way up in the economic and freedom scale and desired more. Today we probably can say it can happen when the people in a well off nation, like the USA, are losing their wealth and freedom and are their way down.
The color of revolutions is red. The American CIA has attempted to call their aided revolutions a variety of colors, orange, green and pink but clearly the color associated with a revolution is red.
When I was working in the front yard garden today I noticed the prominent color in the vegetable garden and rain garden was red. The red roses were in full bloom in the rain garden and the red tomatoes were ready for picking in the vegetable garden. The garden is going through a revolution from summer to winter, a change we call fall.
Maybe red is the color of revolution because true revolution, violent and nonviolent, needs sacrifice which is represented by the red of blood. Red is the color of revolution