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Message to new president
The Diary of Worm posting was canceled yesterday by my forgetfulness. Seven years ago my wife lost her job as a part-time librarian in a Catholic school when the school decided they did not need a librarian. My grandson, then six, after overhearing adults talks about the lost of her job said: “Grandma was canceled.” We all laughed and he was happy to see our joy.
The other day on public radio I heard this news item from China: “Anhui province is today announcing the cancellation of Chaohu city,” Yes, Chinese officials announced on Aug. 22 that the large city of Chaohu, the size of Los Angeles, no longer existed, Overnight the city of Chaohu containing a large freshwater lake was rezoned and parts of it went to three other nearby cities. The only reason given by government officials was “an inherent need at a certain level of economic growth.” A large city was canceled.
Thursday and Friday, before the ceremonies installing the new President of Marquette University we stood outside on the sidewalk asking the President to “Be Faithful to the Gospel” and eliminate the departments of military sciences, officer training schools for Army, Navy/Marines and Air Force on campus. We wanted these three departments canceled because they teach values contrary to the Gospel and the Christian values that Marquette espouses.
However, except for a little police hassle our message was canceled by Marquette and the media again by their ignoring our message. Like the librarian’s job at the Catholic school or the large city of Chaohu our message for Marquette University to be faithful to the Gospel and close the military schools was cancelled by being ignored.
But maybe not? You can cancel a job or even a city but can you cancel the ‘truth’. It might be our ‘opinion of the truth’ but as long as Marquette does not respond to our persistent message they are given acknowledgement to our ‘opinion of truth’ by ignoring it. As long as we keep persistently presenting our message the only way Marquette can win in this struggle for the truth is by responding to our message and explain how it justifies teaching the priority of military values over conscience and reflexive killing, killing without conscience. The truth if pursued will persist and cannot be canceled.
Shanna — 23 January 2012, 11:41
A rolling stone is worth two in the bush, thknas to this article.
izfamhmleqv — 24 January 2012, 03:47
izawuxubs — 26 January 2012, 05:26