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Green Bay Packers go on offense
There was an article today in the newspaper how our County Sheriff says he is going on the “offensive” by purchasing more tazer guns to use on unruly inmates. To me this purchase sounds like going on the defense. Going on the offense would, to me, make getting at the source of the unrest and making changes.
I have said over and over, maybe too many times, how the peace movement often seems to be on the defense, protesting FBI tactics, Nazi hate groups and Republican attacks on the justice system. It seems we are kept on the defense or fighting each other that there is not much time or effort left to go on the offensive.
Civil rights victories were not won by protesting the Klu Klux Klan; treating people without respect and dignity does not lead to less unrest. Dorothy Day, co-founder of the Catholic Worker Movement did not spend time defending herself or the Catholic Worker movement but went on the offensive with houses of hospitality and direct actions against an unjust systems.
I should not be so critical of defensive moves since when I am attacked or ignored personally I often get defensive which is a waste of time. It is often said that the best ‘defense’ is an ‘offense’.
When fear reigns, as it often does in our society, it is easier to be defensive than go on the offensive. But unless we play the offense we are doomed to play more defenses.
Nevaeh — 23 January 2012, 14:52
This info is the cat’s paajams!
swbvvmugmk — 25 January 2012, 03:47
khjtbrqlgva — 26 January 2012, 11:51