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In yesterday’s posting, Serving the Poorest of the Poor I wrote how I spent hours putting together some research for the St.Vincent De Paul meeting last night only to find it was not used. Today I received an email from Will Allen saying how his Growing Power was bringing some fundraising concerts to the USA, sort of like Farm Aide but this time to support Growing Renewal Affordable Food (G.R.A.F.). There was a ‘power point’ presentation to go along with the announcement. Normally I would not open such a ‘power point’ presentation but since Growing Power had been such a big influence in my life I took a look at the slides. The slides were self promotional about Growing Power and suddenly there appeared one that said the concerts would be in partnership with ROTC in 14 cities. I could not believe what I read. ROTC is the name the military used to hide the military officer training bases on college campuses. I looked at the slides again to find some kind of explanation. There was none.
I immediately sent an email to Will Allen of Growing Power basically saying “Tell me it ain’t so”. I could not believe that Growing Power would partner with ROTC, the military departments on campuses that stood for all the opposite values I had deepened by participating Growing Power. I copied some staff and board members of Growing Power.
Tonight I heard from a board member that by ROTC Will meant was meant Regional Outreach Training Centers, a name Growing Power coined to say ROTC. He said they had fun with the twist of the meaning of initials ROTC. I did not think it was funny. I do not know if I feel stupid for my waste of time response today or offended since only two persons, none from the staff of Growing Power, responded to my email. I think the indifference of all besides this one board member is more offensive.
The experience today motivated me to write a primer on the military departments at a selected number of our universities, especially Catholic institutions. The indifference and silence of persons, especially people who called themselves ‘peace people’ or Christians when so many are killed due to these teachings, like military values over conscience and ’reflexive killing’. Indifference and silence, like Gandhi, King, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Elie Wiesel is the most hateful and damaging response one can make to evil and immorality.
So in two days I made two errors in judgment, one thinking that our SVDP conference really wanted me to analyze the service area; today thinking that R.O.T.C. referred to the military. However, my errors are the side of responding not reacting I believe. To error in the struggle for the truth is not so bad.