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Einstien ‘Theory of Unity’

I am going to hear Gandhi’s granddaughter from Mumbai, India talk on Wednesday and/or Thursday; I will soon travel with a delegation to Haiti; I accidently discovered today an Egyptian Fish Restaurant and in the restaurant I was offered Sfeeha, a Lebanese meat pie, just like my Aunt Rose made when I was young; for dinner tonight my Sierra Leone niece made us some delicious African food. I could go on with the international flavor of my day but I think you get the point: In today’s world we are all interconnected and our lives are interrelated.

This awareness, we are all one, brings peace and joy in our lives and in the world. As the Dalai Lama says: “Internal peace is an essential first step to achieving peace in the world.” How do you cultivate it? It’s very simple. In the first place by realizing clearly that all mankind is one, that human beings in every country are members of one and the same family.”

This same thought, we are one, has been repeated by great woman and men throughout history, yet we act as if we are not aware of this reality. How could war survive if we thought of ourselves as brothers and sisters? How could there be extreme people on left or right if we are all related?

Diversity is great and good. But without unity there can be no diversity. In the gardens around my house there is a rich diversity of plants and flowers. But they all share the same soil, sun and rain. Gandhi says that all religions are like branches of one tree, they are rooted in the same tree trunk.

As the world shrinks, with media and communications, there is no longer anyway to deny this growing reality of being one. Yet many do.

“A human being is a part of the whole that we call the universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical illusion of his consciousness. This illusion is a prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for only the few people nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living beings and all of nature.” Einstein

We are One!



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