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‘Skull 7′ by Peter

I was just watching a story on ‘Nightline’, the TV show, where a doctor in Holland is working on a way to erase fearful memories. The brain is a new frontier in science that holds hope for treatment of brain diseases, like schizophrenia, bi polar, post traumatic stress syndrome and more.
We have sent men to the moon and can kill people by remote control drones but we know so little about our own brains.

Today, after I dropped off a friend at a residential home in Oak Creek to visit his mother, I went over to another friend’s house for lunch. My friend had made some Slavonia hamburgers, the name of which I cannot remember or pronounce. They were delicious. We talked about family and ethnic backgrounds. When I was living the home a 20 year friend who has just moved into his own apartment called me. The new apartment is great he said but has no air conditioner. People take psychiatric medicines like him need to stay cool on hot days. He asked me to drive him some place to purchase an air conditioner. I said that I possibly could do one better. I had in my garage an air conditioner that my son Peter had when he used to live in his own apartment. I told him that he could have it if it worked. So I picked up my friend visiting his mother, who has suffered from a mental illness for many years, this young man who only has recently got ill and we went over to my house. We took the air conditioner out of the garage, plugged in it and it worked. The three of us, all with some form of brain illnesses, just stood there and smiled.

Heat, like sun, water and many experiences in life affects the brain. How, we are just discovering. There are no big foundations, fundraisers and walks to support the research of the brain but I believe it is the most important research we can do on human life. The brain controls the body and the more we know about the brain the more we know about the human body.



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