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Ecology Peace Sign

The last week or so I have been removing worms from the worm box so I can get at the rich soil, castings or worm poop, created by the worms eating compost. I removed some of this rich soil, put the worms back in the box with some fresh compost to eat and poop. I noticed the worms had multiplied in numbers, a normal and good sign. When worms are healthy they multiply and since each worm eats his weight in compost each day, they cast out more castings. It is these castings of the worm that make soil rich and produce a good harvest.

When I discovered this way of making soil some years ago from Growing Power I thought I had discovered some new. However, when I went to Guatemala I discovered that using worms to produce organically rich soil is thousands of years old. Peoples of ancient lands like Guatemala, Venezuela and India have known about worm power for years. In fact worms have been renewing the soil of the earth since the age of dinosaurs.

I think about all this tonight since this morning we were sharing how to deal with beggars and other people in need at our faith sharing session this morning. Worms do what they do, multiply and cast, naturally. I think it is the nature of humans to share what they have with others but with information and education so much gets in the way of doing with his natural for the giver and of the beggar.

Unlike worms we think and make judgments like “by giving money to this person am I enabling the person to drink” or, on the other side, “I have a right to be supported by others since I am poor.”

War and violence are contrary to nature. I think if one is truly for the ecology they resist war and violence; and those who oppose war and violence would be ecologist. Nature, Peace and Justice are sisters in purpose and being.



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