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Persistent Dog

Today was a day of eating the fruits of the garden. Freshly picked tomatoes made for some good pasta sauce made by Pat. She also made some pesto from basil I just picked and used the hot peppers from the garden and more tomatoes to make some delicious salsa. Over the year I have learned to grow what I can grow, pole beans, tomatoes, mint, basil, eggplants, peppers, and a variety of perennial and annual flowers. I still try out a few things new ever year but have my staples.

In gardening, like life, you take what is given to you, but still take a few risks and try something new. Gardening like life is a constant learning experience, learning from success and mistakes. Also gardening like life if you are persistent and do your best, eventually it will pay off.

When I was in the business world, direct mail advertising business, I had to sell my product. Selling, especially something not tangible and outside sales, was uncomfortable to me. I was not the flashy sales person like my partner in business was, but I was very persistent and, after time, became a successful sales persons. I remember one particular business person who I perused for years to sell an ad. He would always say no but I persisted and finally one day he purchased an ad. I knew service was important for future sales and he became a regular customer. After he retired his son took over the business and also became my regular customer. Each publication I never had a lot of new customers but seldom lost one.

In the Gospels Jesus told many stories where the persistent person eventually won out. In gardening a persistent gardener will eventually grow successfully.



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