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Backyard Garden Today

The gardens around our house are doing well this year although they are not producing at maximum. I can blame the hot weather that have limited my working outside this year and will do. But there is always more to do and maybe next year, with regular summer climate, I will expand the gardens and help them produce more.

One garden that is most challenging is the one where I started to garden in this house eight years ago, in the backyard. The lack of full sun has made me grow sun hungry plants like peppers, tomatoes, eggplants and basil in the front yard raised garden. But except for pole green beans and mint I have not yet been successful in using this space to grow lots of vegetables and herbs. I have learned some things over the years and maybe next year will do better in growing. But the backyard still looks nice when I care for it and keeps me supplied with mint and green beans for the year.

Many years ago Will Allen of Growing Power, before he was world famous, told me the real way to learn gardening was to make mistakes and learn from them. Maybe he was just trying to get rid of me and my constant questioning but his words resonated with me.

When I was young and worried about making mistakes I read the words of a famous American poet: “Man is made to make mistakes.” These words like the words of Will Allen ring true to me.

My success in gardening is due to my many mistakes. So if I want to be a more successful home gardening I need to make more mistakes. Making Mistakes Gardening can be enjoyable and productive.



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