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Day Lily, Silent Beauty

The other day when I was taking photographs in front of the house of the rain and vegetable gardens I noticed a Day Lily that was particularly beautiful. Day Lily season is fading so I captured this one with my camera. The picture reminded me of Frank Blair an elder friend who died recently. Frank took so many beautiful close-up pictures of flowers that his children gave away many to friends at his memorial service. One of his flower close ups pictures now is in my living room.

I knew Frank only from his political views, harsh, clear and honest. But for anyone to be so insightful in communication I knew there had to be another side of friend. Capturing the beauty of flowers was part of that other side.

Frank’s communications, usually by email, were straight to the point. He did not have a taste for small talk as his daughters reminded us at the memorial service. This is in contrast to so much of today’s communication which I would, like Thomas Merton call ‘noise.’ Merton says…”it is necessary that there be communication between the hearts and minds of men, communication and not the noise of slogans or the repetition of clichés.” Check out the whole quote.

I am a ‘noisy’ person but seek ‘silence’. I went to a modern pop ‘rock’ concert with my wife tonight. The music was loud with non understandable lyrics. I enjoyed the light show and the beat of the music but the show reminded me of how much I seek silence.

It is time to stop the words and be silent.



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