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Tonight I finished a rough draft of another picture story: Drone, Debt and Clown on Brady Street. The message is the same as Bastille Days but this time the response was different. The Message, “Killer Drones Cost $$$ and Lives” was met by a mild response rather than love or hate it one at Bastille Days.

The response at the Brady Street Festival mirrors more the response we get from any message that people do not want to hear: “That is nice”, “I am okay”, “No Thank you”. These are the responses we get from many students at Marquette to our message: Teach War No More. While the love or hate response we got from some at Bastille Days was more like the response we got in the 60’s in the civil rights and peace movement.

Personally I would prefer that any nonviolent action would be met with the first response. It is easier to love those who clearly have a positive or negative response to your message than those who ignore the message or do not care. It is tough to respond to those who do not seem care or rather avoid the message. So give me a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ any day to a ‘so what’ or ‘who cares’.



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