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Grape Leave Fines Gone Wild

Last night in this posting I said I was going to work outside today no matter how hot it was. And I did, but most of the time was spent not in a project I anticipated.

My neighbor sent me this morning the picture on the sides, of how the grape leave vines in the back of my garage and fence had gone wild. He removed the ones moving toward his garage and the first thing I did today outside is remove most of the vines that were creeping over the parking lot of the apartment building behind us. I enjoy picking leaves from the grape less grape vine for making stuffed Grape Leaves but am not excited about removing the vines. But it had to be done and I did it, at least most of it.

This venture made me think how often these days something comes up, from a phone call or an email that I need to attend to, at least I think so. The most well placed plans for the days need to be flexible to accommodate what comes up.

A man with a mental illness called me today from a homeless shelter. How he got my name and number I do not know but it has something to do with my associating with Faith and Recovery, a support group for persons suffering from mental illnesses or ones that have friends or family members suffering from this disease. He had been released from the county mental health hospital and given fourteen days at this shelter. He is from out of town and, if he does not find a place, they threatened him with a one way ticket where he came from. He is on some heavy meds for now and needs a place to stay more than a faith sharing support group. I gave him a lead on a place where he can stay and get some help with his mental illness. He had already heard of the place and was giving them a call and letting me know tomorrow how he is doing. If he calls and I need to act I must be ready to change my plans for tomorrow.

In a perfect world everyone would agree by consensus and all would go as planned. However, we live in a messy world and need to be flexible and go with the flow. We need to be ready to change.



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