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Mother Mary of the Lilies

Two lilies have bloomed, one in front and one in back of the Mary statue in the backyard garden. These two lilies with others were given to me a few years ago by a friend. They were small and I did not know if they would work but planted some in the front of the house and a few in the back. Each year they come up and bloom for quite awhile in the summer.

A lily has a certain majesty and presence in the gardens. I am not sure why I feel this but am glad that I planted some in the Mary circle garden in the backyard. Seeing those two lilies reminded me today how we need to honor and remember Mary. Mary, in our Catholic tradition, was a fully human being but yet was the Mother of Jesus, Mother of God. Over the years many people in the Church have suggested that we pray to God through the intersection of Mary. I guess Mary being a mother knows how to approach her son Jesus who is God.

For me Mary is a symbol of humility and gentleness, both I can use more of. She was a lowly teenage in the occupied territory of Palestine when she was chosen and asked to be the Mother of Jesus.

There are a number of ships trying to leave Greece to bring letters of support and supplies to the occupied territory of Palestine. Gaza, which is under a blockade. The American ship is called the “Audacity of Hope” and is trying to break the siege of Gaza to carry letters of support to the people trapped there. Last year when there was another flotilla trying to break the siege they were attacked by the military of Israel and nine innocent persons on one of the Turkish ships were killed.

On the American ship there are some well known persons, like Pulitzer prize winner Alice Walker and peace activist Kathy Kelly. But there are also many ordinary Americans on board. All of them are courageous and are doing what Alice Walker calls “the right thing to do”.

Mother Mary of the Lilies pray for all those who sail to Gaza.



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