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What passes for fact is only the
impression or estimates of,
and estimates vary. M. K. Gandhi
(I could not post this last night and today forgot till tonight to do so.)
There were two votes today about U.S. participation in war in Libya. One was just resolution about future war in Libya, basically a meaningless gesture. This vote passed. However, the other one had substance to it, to limit US funding of the war in Libya, about 10 million a day. The US war in Vietnam ended when Congress stopped funding it. I cannot find the vote yet but can guess how the ‘progressive democrats’ who talk jobs not war voted.
Next week a few of this ‘liberal democrats’ are meeting here in Milwaukee to talk jobs not war. This is at the invitation of our ‘liberal democratic’ from this area who talks peace but votes for more war spending. Last week I did a ‘fact check’ on four issues of military spending and how they voted. Not one had a perfect record like the Democrat Rep. Kucinich or the local conservative Republican congress persons. I send out the voting records to local peace community. There was no response. Facts and votes do not count.
I am reminded of the bumper sticker on my car: God is not a Republican or Democrat. I have stated we do not live in a democracy where our votes count but in our country where corporations control government. Tomorrow perhaps I can find out the ‘progressive Democrats’ meeting in Milwaukee to rally voted. But will it matter. I doubt it. People will still go to meet with these ‘progressive Democrats’ even though they may have voted for more war spending in Libya.
I will publish the results on the page of the War Spending Records of Congresspersons Gwen Moore and James Sensenbrenner Jr.. Then I will go back to work in the garden and maybe write more about the GP Home Gardens. At least in the garden reality matters unlike politics