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“History is a record of perpetual
wars, but we are now trying
to make history.” M.K. Gandhi
Working on the gardens is easy work and enjoyable. Work in the garden has rewards, flowers and food. On the hand work to stop wars is hard and frustrating. Work on stopping war seems to be hopeless. The present wars seem endless. However, with our country at war in Yemen, Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and the global war on terror it feels like it is time to say No to war, especially preemptive wars, wars without a known end and ones that do not affect our security or well being.
So the question rises in a country where corporations control government (See Tavis Smiley interview with Robert Kennedy Jr.) how we resist war. In a democracy we could appeal to our representatives in government but we have little, if anything to say, with our present tactics in the corporate world that controls our government.
When we work on a garden and what we do does not work in growing plants we stop doing it and try something else. So why do we do the same old things, voting, petitions, emails, phone calls, read articles, protest, listen to people talking and talk ourselves when these tactics do not work to stop wars.
Perhaps it is time to think outside the box and try something new. One of things I learned in gardening that you can grow a garden on any surface, even concrete if you make your own soil out of waste.
What would happen if on a day of an election many people instead of voting would show up at the places of government, city hall, State Capitol, and White House to demand an end to one of the wars and were determined to stay there, perhaps praying and fasting, till this particular war was winding down and drawing to an end?
Perhaps we need to start on a smaller scale taking on a local issue related to war, like teaching war at a university, and in numbers taking nonviolent action, perhaps civil disobedience, until action was taken.
Since mass actions seem so hard to organize today as corporate power and its politicians have ways to avoid them and divide us maybe there are individual actions, like Gandhi did with people spinning their own clothes instead of purchasing ones from the occupying power of England that we need to do.
I do not have the answers but do know that doing the same old thing over and over again when he does not work leaders to frustration and apathy. What are new ways to resist these endless wars?