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St. Vincent De Paul Home Visit

With a stop at the garden store and the help of my weed pulling wife we were able to get some work done on the front lawn gardens today, especially the rain garden. We are still back to cold and wet weather but it is garden workable. With all the rain, the rain garden is doing well. A little sun might bring more color to the plants but the varieties of perennials are doing well.

The last few times at the garden store I started to think of all the money we spend on our home gardens, a plant there and a plant here can add up. But we can afford it and normally I do not think about the money involved in a garden, even one that you make your own soil.

The reason I probably am thinking about money for gardens is that our church is about to close, supposedly for lack of money. The paradox of the situation is that when we sell all the church property we will have lots of money, no church but lots of money. Where will the money go is not clear. There was talk about using the money to serve the poor and needy in the area around our Church but now that the closing is coming close that talk is fading away. Our official church spokesperson for those who are making the decisions about the church now says “there is no guarantee” the money will be used to serve those in need. I made a proposal to her and the ‘others’ she works with that the money, or at least some of it, be given to our St. Vincent De Paul conference to support our work making home visits and giving persons essential household items, like beds, appliances and furniture. I feel that this suggestion, as others, will be ignored by the “powers that be”.

When it comes to talk about “preferential option for the poor” and works of mercy all is well in the Church. But when it comes to money there is a veil of secrecy and the poor are soon forgotten. I always felt Jesus was serious when he says to a good man in the Gospel “Go sell what you have and give it to the poor.” I guess that is a hard message for all of us but always thought the Church would be a leader in doing this.



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