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Money Hole

Today I heard more about the tremendous amount of money the USA is spending to pursue war in Libya. Also I heard that we are now bombing Yemen. With military spending in Yemen and Libya as well as Iraq, Afghanistan and military support to many countries like Israel and Columbia it is no wonder we have a major debt problem in the USA. The other days I sent a national debt reduction plan to various peace groups and list servers. I call it the KIS (Keep it Simple) debt reduction plan. I asked for feedback but only one person who wants to keep non military earmarks responded. So here it is again and since the ‘comment’ section is still cut off send your comments and suggestions to

1) Withdraw from Iraq. This would be a huge savings. Spend a little sum to investigate who is responsible for the misinformation of Iraq possessing ‘weapons of mass destruction’ that started this ‘preemptive war’ that took nearly a million lives. This investigation would restore our integrity in the Middle East.

2) Start a gradual but direct withdrawal from Afghanistan. Afghanistan now cost us $10 billion dollars a month.

3) Reduce the 8 million dollars a day that goes to Israel, mostly for military. Support the defense of Israel rather than its aggression.

3) Start paying for wars as we did in this country before the second Iraq war. We can do this by putting back into place the tax system of Bush 1 and Clinton eras. Rich get rich on wars and should pay their fair share.

4) Convert the new nuclear bomb plant that is being building in Kansas City to a green environmental plant.

5) Eliminate all ‘earmarks’ in the budget, starting with military earmarks.

6) If the above is not enough we can take a look at our Defense Budget of 690 billion dollars. This budget is larger than all other military budgets of countries in the world combined. Make it truly a ‘defense budget.’

Any suggestions



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