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Japan’s nuclear plant destroyed
by earthquake and tsunami

It was another hot and humid today when I went to the city dump. Knowing the entrance routine I showed the man my Wisconsin License ID and told him I was there for some wood chips. The worker misunderstood me and thought I was there to dump wood chips. It looked up at his boss who was standing nearby and this person said “Do not dump your wood chips with mine but in one of the dumpsters.” I explained I was not there to dump wood chips but to take wood chips. They waved me ahead. When I got to the wood chip pile I noticed that the fresh wood chips were gone and only the back of the large pile, with somewhat composted wood chips, was left. That was okay with me since I use the wood chips to make compost and for ground covering in the gardens. But I did think that his wood chips were not much better than ones someone might have brought to the dump.

Dumps outside the city of Milwaukee collects wood chips and leaves, compost them and gives out the resulting soil free to residents. Milwaukee no longer does that but, in fact, has some private company collect the leaves on some site outside of the city and when they are composed they are sold to fertilizer companies. I am glad that Milwaukee still allows us home gardeners access to wood chips.

Nature destroys, like the recent tornados and the strong storm outside tonight. However, Nature gives, rain, sun, worms, good soil and wood chips.

Man can effect nature in a negative way or go along with the goodness of nature, like the free wood chips to make more soil and enhance it. Nature gives and takes away.



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