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The heat and driving almost got to me today. The temperature was in the record breaking high nineties and it was humid. I could only get a little bit of work on the home gardens in this morning and tonight.
I had scheduled two persons to drive someone but ended up doing driving favors for three people for five different situations. I always tell the people that ask me for rides that I am blessed to be of service to them and none of the five or so persons I regularly drive take advantage of me. They are full of gratitude and provide blessings in my life. But today with the heat and the unexpected car trips I almost forgot how blessed I am to do this driving for friends in need.
Heat distorts our vision of what we are doing and why. If it was not for air conditioned houses, cars, stores I am not sure of what I would have done. I probably would have lost my cool and got overheated all for the wrong reasons.
With all this talk about our financial debt, lack of jobs, increased poverty, more war and killing, cutting taxes even more for the rich and seeing discrimination being practiced especially toward the poor, weak and sick, I can get even over heated. But what good does that do. Any message I am trying to communicate will get more ignored and I would miss the blessings in life and go on the defensive.
One of the friends I drove today is someone else who has a brain disease or, some call a mental illness. We talked about how hard it is to be ignored, marginalized and suffer insults even when we are trying our best to do the right thing and being who we are. I told him about the quote of Dr. Seus that I have quoted in these postings a few times. He enjoyed it and quickly understood its meaning.
Tonight instead of being angry and writing angry emails to people, I wrote a simple essay on six easy steps to erase the National Debt. I call it my KISS (Keep it Simple) debt reduction plan. I sent it out for comments to those in the local peace community, most which will ignore it. But a few might comment and then I can rewrite it and put them in an essay form on this web site. It was not much but at least it was positive not negative, going on the offensive instead of being defensive. I am starting to realize how much I suffer from Too Much Information (TMI) and Too Much Talk (TMT). Maybe quietly working in the garden or quietly driving people around is a cure for TMI and TMT.