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Tristan blowing a bubble

Today I was at another high school graduation, this one in Madison, for my daughter-in-law’s sister’s oldest child, one of six. She is an excellent young woman but it was her two year brother, my godson, Tristan, which drew most of my attention. This is the first time that we really got to know each other and play together. He is almost three, the best age in my mind. He is still fascinated with little things in the present, like blowing a bubble but not old enough to label and categorize life’s experience. He can communicate a lot without using words.

Two and three year old are great example of what St. Francis of Assisi was talking about when encouraged his early followers to “Go preach the Gospel and only if necessary use words.” Many of us, including myself, suffer from TMI (Too Much Information) and TMW (Too Many Words).

Now that my grandchildren, nieces and nephews are seven years old or more I need to look to children like my godson for lessons in living life without many words and fully in the present.



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