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Although it was cold, windy, raining and even snowing today it is time to plant spring seeds. I have the seeds, the soil and material to plant inside but just have not done it yet.
Although retired I find myself busy these days and need to prioritize what is important to do. Planting seeds is important if I expect to have seedlings to plant outside when the weather warms up.
Sowing seeds is important to do in the present if we want to reap results in the future. Some seeds do not take and some do, but without sowing seeds no plants will grow.
When planting seeds outside in an open field we can broadcast seeds, spread them by hand over a wide area. The ones that fall on fertile soil will take root and grow; the ones that fall on baron soil will die.
Jesus often used this image of planting or broadcasting seeds in his parables about life. Often the seed was the word of God and the farmer would broadcast it over his land hoping that some seeds would take root.
In life we often plant seeds of various kinds by our words, actions, protest or writing. Sometimes we see the results of our broadcasting seeds but often we do not. As we know from planting seeds for the garden, at times we must just broadcast the seeds and hope, pray and trust there will be results someday. The act of broadcasting seeds is important by itself.