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Close the School of Army at
Marquette University goes
to the White House

The last five days I have had the privileged of joining hundreds of persons from all over the United States and Central and South America in Washington D.C. to end the militarism of the USA and the suffering and death it brings. I was with SOAWatch and a number of other groups at a conference on Anti Militarism and taking direction action to close the School of Americas at Fort Benning, Ga.,a military training school, responsible to training soldiers in Central and South America to suppress democracy and human rights.

We listened to men and women from Honduras, Haiti and, Columbia who are suffering military repression paid for by our tax money. It will take time for me to process this experience. It was so intense that my tired body disappeared for the five days and the energy of the experience kept me going.

Before this experience a friend Jim Forest had sent me a collection of quotes on conscience. I had sent him back some of the ones I had collected. I meant someday to make a web page of these quotes but after the time in D.C., the time is now.

The one common connection to this experience was a matter of conscience. We Americans need to be hard of heart and ignore our conscience to allow this type of torture and inhumanity to continue in our name. I have written about military teaching ‘reflexive killing killing without conscience taught at some of our universities, but now see that this ignoring of our conscience is so pervasive in our society.

So here are some of the Quotes on Conscience, at least the ones pertaining to War and Peace. I will eventually put pictures with the quotes. For now you can find pictures of actions last weekend at the Capitol at these SOAWatch sites, Photos by Ted Majdosz and by Linda Panetta. We must do something to stop this suffering and killing. It is a matter of conscience.



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