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On a day when many friends and family in Wisconsin are very concerned about elections, I got this article by Chris Hedges, This Is What Resistance Looks Like. It was interesting since one of the cries of the protest against the Governor and Republicans recently was when one person would ask: “What does democracy look like?” and the crowd would answer: “This is what democracy looks like.” This was true but soon the energy of the protests and civil disobedience at the Capitol was turned into recall efforts and at the elections today.
In his article Chris Hedges says: “The phrase ‘consent of the governed’ has been turned into a cruel joke. There is no way to vote against the interests of Goldman Sachs. Civil disobedience is the only tool we have left.”
No matter what the results of the elections today I believe democracy and resistance for now looks like protests and acts of civil disobedience than any election process. Like Chris Hedges says we cannot vote against the interest of Goldman Sachs or General Electric. Yet it is these and other rich and big businesses that give the money that elect our politicians.
The Republicans in Congress, led by a Wisconsin representative, announced today their budget plan to cut the deficit. Simply stated, it would cut taxes for the rich and big business and seriously cut aide for the poor, sick and elderly. Rich get richer and the poor and middle class gets poorer.
I pray for the day when elections will really matter but for now for me democracy and resistance looks like protest and civil disobedience.