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Mr. Burns
Last night some of us, part of Breaking the Silence, met for dinner and to discuss how we can Blow the Dynamite on the message of No More Teaching War and Killing at Marquette University and No More War Spending by our elected representatives.
It has been increasingly hard to get the attention of the public on social justice and war and peace issues. I read today an article by Kathy Kelly on the Hunger and Anger in Afghanistan. She tells us how in “Afghanistan, a nation where 850 children die every day, about a quarter of the population goes hungry.” No wonder there is so much anger of the people of Afghanistan toward the USA. War training at Marquette and War spending by our congresspersons are responsible for this horror of war. Kathy Kelly’s articles are graphic reports of the death and destruction that we train for and spend our money to do.
Part of the problem is that those who promote social injustice and war use ‘code words’. For example, when they say ‘tax cuts’ they are really saying take away from the poor and ill. My friends that are poor and ill are finding it harder and harder to survive and be healthy as tax cuts hurt them. Yet the rich, especially those who profit from war and destruction, face no cuts but are given more money.
On this day when I read this article by Kathy Kelly of the suffering we are causing in Afghanistan I saw on the “Nightline” TV show how women are having cosmetic surgery of their feet to look good and allow them to wear certain shoes, like high heels, more easily. The pictures of this foot surgery were very graphic. But where on TV do you see the graphics of the horror of the US war in Afghanistan?
How to make the message of peace and justice clear and keep a sense of humor? Perhaps we need use some code words. Any suggestions?