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My grandchildren left tonight after a two day visit for two of them, and one for one. Today we made our annual trip to the science store, American Science and Surplus Store. It is a store meant for children, young of heart and science geeks with an imagination. It was established in 1937 and I can remember as a child enjoying things, like crystal radio sets purchased at the store.
My oldest grandson was disappointed to find the store no longer carries the toy soldiers that he keeps at our house for his epic battles in his imagination, but found other creative items. My other grandson found an eye that randomly moves along on the floor, the all seeing mobile eyes. My granddaughter found a bowl full of wondrous looking seashells. A young friend we brought along found interest in an old fashioned kaleidoscope. Naturally afterward we set out to the local frozen custard stand, the same place, with a new name, where I first enjoyed frozen custard when I was a child. Two of us had cones of chocolate pecan crumpled, two of butter pecan and our young friend, vanilla.
These two traditions of going to the science store and frozen custard stand brought joy to the four children and to me, a tired old man. It made up for me, somewhat, for all the stuffing of food and things these two days, Thanksgiving and Black Friday of Shopping have come to mean. It is good to know that imagination still reigns.