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“Blessed are You who are poor”
How did Thanksgiving become a day of too much football, too much eating and a day of prep for shopping the next day, Black Friday? Today, I saw my wife and our six-year-old granddaughter going over the many ads that make up most of the newspaper, and marking ones of interest. My daughter-in-law is talking about going out shopping tonight, Thanksgiving, at 10pm and tomorrow morning again at 5pm for some early ‘deals.’
However, who am I to talk. After thanksgiving I felt like a stuffed turkey or newspaper stuffed with ads. Writing this I know that fullness does not entice creativity as fasting does. Today has given new meaning to the term ‘striving artist’. Creativity is based on a hunger for something new or old things aligned in a new way. Too much wealth, too much food, too much food stifles creativity.
My stomach is full and thus my brain says to my body slow down, and my body says to my brain go to sleep.
The brain and body are interconnected. I have a good friend whose brain is wired in such a way that she feels this heaviness and pain all the time in her chest. Four years of surgery and doctor’s appointments have failed to find the source of her suffering so now she is hoping to be part of trail of medication that will ease the pain.
Today on the TV news I heard about a scientific study that says human beings are hard wired to be kind. Scientists from Darwin on have found sympathy to be a natural emotion. I always believe we were wired to do good naturally although at times it does not seem that way. Too much riches, greed, that stuffed feeling of eating too much seems to get in the way of this natural urge to be good and sympathetic.
Science may soon prove what Jesus taught us many years ago: It is hard for the rich to get to heaven, the kingdom of God on earth, but the poor are rich, blessed sons and daughters of God. When science catches up to nature there will be heaven on earth. The hunger, search and struggle for good will finally end.