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Security in El Salvador?

I was wondering why Pat’s Picks of Peter’s Digital Art was not getting any ‘hits’ on . I found out this afternoon when my wife, Pat, was talking by way of Skype with our son and his family directing them to this slide show on ‘flicker’ and they could not get on. I finally realized that I had the ‘security’ settings on the set of pictures so only members of ‘flicker’ could see it. One small change and now all can view the pictures.

Security is in the news a lot these days. The invasive screening techniques at our airports are being justified under the name of ‘security.’ The president of the USA and NATO leaders just announced that the military, for the ‘security’ of the people of Afghanistan, will remain until there until 2014 not 2011 as previously announced. There will be a withdrawal there only if the people of Afghanistan on our side can secure their own country against the people of Afghanistan we consider the enemy.

When the president of Afghanistan, a person we hold in power, asked the US president to withdraw the private mercenary security forces we hire in Afghanistan, our president responded that they will stay until there is ‘security’ for American private companies and nonprofits in the country.

Security is big business in the USA. We have been for some time the number one country, per capita, to imprison its own persons in secured prisons. The fact that the majority of our prisoners are young African American males from backgrounds of poverty and lack of education and employment seems to be less important than the fact that the more we imprison, the more get out of prison with nothing and the more return back to prison.

This type of Security is based on fear. The more we fear, the more security we seek. But true security is not found in wars or prisons. I understand more and more why Jesus in the Gospels said over and over again “Be Not Afraid.” Without fear there is true security.



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