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I am starting to get the feeling that Peter Maurin was right when he said: “To blow the dynamite of a message is the only way to make the message dynamic.” As I blow the dynamite on the message: Catholic Universities, Teach War No More I am getting many messages, mostly positive, from around the USA. Interestedly enough they are from people I do not really know. The message is not getting confused with the messenger.

I believe that if the message is true, it will be heard no matter how weak or stigmatized the messenger may be. Now that I have a message that rings true without the baggage of the messenger I need to figure out how to make my life, as Gandhi says, my message: “My Life is my message. You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi. If I can figure this out maybe persons who know me will listen to the message.

Marshall McLuhan introduce us to the phase ”The medium is the message”, which means that the “form of a medium embeds itself in the message, creating a symbiotic relationship by which the medium influences how the message is perceived.” There is some truth to that since the message of “Teach War No More in Catholic universities” would be hard to communicate widely without the medium of the Internet.

Now it is time to move on or go back to Gandhi’s message: The person is the message.



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