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‘Another’ by Peter Graf

Tonight there was a fine arts and stage performance showcase sponsored by NAMI, the National Alliance for Mental Illness, of Greater Milwaukee. There were displays of artist’s, including our son’s Peter’s art work, some moving poetry, a ‘hoop act’, and scenes from a very creative play on mental illness. The theme of the show was “Celebrating the healing power of creativity” and it was good to enjoy with friends.

Whenever someone asks me about Peter, our deceased son, and how we are doing I do not know what to say. The shadow of death seems to be lifted a little bit but whenever I direct my attention to his memory it returns. One friend, who suffers the suicide death of her son 37 years ago, told me the shadow of death never leaves.

My recent research into the teaching of death and killing at Marquette University, the only Jesuit Catholic University in the USA to host all three departments of the military on campus, Army, Navy/Marines and Air Force, in some strange way is uplifting. It somehow feels like I am doing something about the senseless violence and killing that war, street violence and suicide bring into our lives. Peter in some untold way has given meaning to my mission of stopping killing and violence.

When one has a ‘mission’ in life it gives life more meaning. I am blessed to be a man on a mission.



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