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Today, slowed down by a colonoscopy, was a day of writing. I wrote a brief statement on the peace listserv on how we could honor veterans by stopping the teaching in our military what is called ‘reflexive killing’, Killing without Conscience.
CPT Pete Kilner, an instructor at the U.S. Military Academy presented a paper to the military giving reasons why the justification of ‘reflexive killing’ should be taught in military training programs. (Military Leaders Obligation to Justify Killing in War.) I quote part of his argument to teach the justification of ‘reflexive killing’ to give my reason why it or its justification should not be taught, especially at Christian universities. Basically, using his words, I am saying ‘reflexive killing’, no matter how you justify it, goes against our conscience and nature as human beings.
“The problem, however, is that soldiers who kill reflexively in combat will likely one day reconsider their actions reflectively. If they are unable to justify to themselves the fact that they killed another human being, they will likely—and understandably—suffer enormous guilt. This guilt manifests itself as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and it has damaged the lives of thousands of men who performed their duty in combat.”
The other piece of writing I did today was to write an email to Catholic Workers, Peacemakers, Friends and Enemies saying how I was wrong in classifying some schools with ROTC programs and how very few Catholic Colleges and Universities choose to have military training (ROTC) on campus. Now I have two letters out waiting for a response. One is to the Provost of Marquette University giving academic, ethical and moral reasons to Close the School of Army at Marquette University and the other one is the one I sent today. I do not expect a response from the Provost but do hope people of peace respond. I will probably eventually put both of the letters on the web site Teach War No More.
I know and preach that actions speak louder than words but keep hoping that words, especially facts and ‘opinions of the truth’, will matter. Being ignored and marginalized rather than having ones message listened to can drive a sane person crazy. Fortunately I am not too sane.
I do not know how to stop all the killing and the teaching of killing but I must, in words and actions, try.