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Bird bath or shower

Last week I was making compost and I noticed how hot the compost pile was although it was a cool day. That is natural for when the carbon, like that of the wood chips or leaves, combines with the nitrogen, like that of the coffee grounds, the compost starts cooking. Spring, summer and fall, water is needed. Snow and ice take care of the winter months.

When I got out the hose to spray down the compost pile and the worm depository I filled up the bird bath, something I do often in the summer when I am watering the garden, but not much in fall. As soon as I left the garden I noticed through the windows from my office the sparrows descended on the birth bath and were splashing the water around. I had forgotten that the lack of rain this fall has tough on these birds.

So yesterday making and watering more compost I filled the birth bath up again. This time I went into my office and got out my camera with a zoom lens. I was unable to capture all the excitement of last week with sparrows in the water but did catch a few splashing away.

The birds need water for cleansing and drinking, like we do.



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