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Sifter screen over the wheelbarrow
with the flat tire
Monday was my granddaughter’s birthday, she turned 6; Tuesday was my younger son’s birthday, he is 38; and today is my friend’s birthday, she is 43. My friend who is 43 today suffers from a painful and debilitating disease. After many doctors, operations and procedures the focus of her treatment now is to modify the pain she daily suffers. However, she is making the most of her life with her disability. Another friend who suffers from an illness celebrated his 58th birthday last week. He is younger than I, 67, but looks older. His great sense of humor keeps him going.
I felt like it was my birthday today since I had almost a whole day to just work on the home gardens. When I put too much weight in my wheelbarrow the seal on the tubeless tire broke and the tire went flat. Unable to repair it myself I thought I was in trouble and started to sift soil for the garden using my sifter, which fits over the wheelbarrow, over a smaller plastic box instead. Then I remembered the sifting casting systems I had seen in Guatemala and India used gravity to move the soil over the screen. So I took the tireless wheelbarrow to the compost I was sifting and put the plastic box on the lower end of the wheelbarrow. I filled the screen with compost and just lifted and shook the high end. The rough compost ended up in the plastic box and the fine soil went through the screen. The screen over the wheelbarrow being on an angle made the sifter more efficient and easier. I have been looking for a way to sift castings from compost more effectively and thanks to an accident and a broken wheel have found it.
It seems like a birthday kind of day when even with something going wrong you can make the most of it. On a birthday kind of day a broken tire on a wheelbarrow can be made into something good for garden.