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“Blessed are the Rejected”
Mother Teresa
I had contact today with the dairy farmer who lives across the road from my son’s family home up north. He will deliver the cow dung to my son’s land and I will bring the worms so we can start another year of turning cow dung to worm castings. This is a technique that I saw performed successfully by farmers in India. Worm castings, especially those made from cow dung, are an excellent natural fertilizer. Out of one rejected material, cow dung, comes another rejected material that makes plants grow.
Today in our faith sharing group we talked about how sometimes rejection can be a blessing. We might get fired on a job only to have another and better job open up. Often in my life I find that what I considered a ‘curse’ in my life was really a ‘blessing.’
The recent controversy at Marquette University, rescinding a job offer to a woman who was a lesbian, and hand written articles questioned by Church authorities, seemed at first a lot to do about nothing. However, I quickly realized that the issues of discrimination and ‘Christian Identity’ surrounding this controversy were the same as the issues relating to Marquette, a Catholic Jesuit University, hosting military training on campus.
I wrote three letters comparing this hiring controversy at Marquette to its hosting military schools that discriminate and violate the ‘Christian identity and mission’ of Marquette. The three letters, to Fr. Wild S.J., President of Marquette University, to Archbishop Listecki of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee and to the editor of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, local newspaper, were not responded to. I like to think the three letters were rejected not ignored by these three recipients.
If they were ignored that would mean the three did not care. If they were rejected this means they do care but choose not to respond.
Ignoring something or someone is a form of hate and disrespect. Rejecting something or someone is recognition of the thing or person. Rejection can be a blessing.